Our Organization is led by and founded by people with international History. It is at the Heart of the founder, having had vast experience across the world, to reach out and to be reached by such and offer a variety of assistance as it may deem possible in various fields. Being a Refugee, having roots from other parts of the world, and Living in an environment not familiar with your own, sparks a lot of anxiety mixed with curiosity and fear. It leaves one with no option but to depend on the natives and the aid offered to them at that particular time which mostly is basic. Amani New life Centre in cooperation with other organizations like King’s Outreach Church, comes in handy to help Migrants adjust to their new environment, integrate faster and feel at home. We offer counselling services, help with translation of letters and content meaning, assist in search of apartments, accompany Migrant/refugees to Government offices, Answer Frequently asked questions pertaining Rights, all-day orientations, Government offices etc.